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Create. Disrupt.
Amplify. Innovate.


We’re clever,  we work hard, and we make  magical things  happen.

Find out what we are about >


For more than 20 years, The Rose Group has delivered results that matter—building brands alongside clients that create, disrupt, and change culture.

We dig into your goals and customize a strategy for maximum impact, whether that’s brand messaging, media relations, digital marketing, reputation management, or the synergy created by all of those together. The Rose Group becomes part of your team and a megaphone for your brand.


We have built brand strategy for companies and organizations ranging from the largest real estate firms in the world to the best-known entertainment companies to technology disruptors and consumer leaders.



Brands build a connection between individuals and a company, a business, or an organization. Through the eyes of a consumer, these connections seem to happen naturally, but behind the scenes...there is a strategy. Our journey begins with a plan rooted in strategy that build a brand to become a house-hold name.

Image Development

 Building your personal brand and creating a platform for thought leadership is a driving to force to building the strengthen the reputation of your brand or company. Building one’s image takes time, strategy and execution. For decades, we’ve been working with CEOs, entrepreneurs and executives to create platforms for their messages to rise above the noise and create impact.

Strategic Media Relations

News creates stories that build awareness, drives social media, and makes water cooler conversations. For more than 20 years, we’ve worked with print media, broadcast networks, blogs, and other platforms, building relationships with journalists and opinion leaders to deliver stories that shape public opinion. Our relationships with the media become the results you want and need to be #1.

Digital Strategy

What sets us apart is our tandem approach to marrying thoughtful digital media and communications strategy. Our digital expertise takes a data-driven and hands-on approach to ensuring your brand rises above all others. With authentic voice, hyper-creative content, thoughtful partnerships + placements, and expert curation of content and copywriting, we craft an immersive and in-depth consumer experience.

Influencer Relations

3rd Party Validation goes way beyond traditional media. Strategically partnering with influencers, macro and micro, is a catalyst for engagement and brand credibility, mobilizing audiences in an authentic way. Today, followers look to influencers for guidance and recommendations, and we have our fingers on the pulse of who moves the needle - and we know how and when to use them!

Integrated Brand Partnerships & Collaborations

Synergy creates energy. Nothing creates a buzz faster than 2 like-minded brands working together to create something. We have robust experience conceiving, developing and managing brand partnerships, whether for a one-off splash or an ongoing evergreen relationship.

Reputation Management

Crisis Management

We deliver solutions to crisis issues when they happen. Our deep experience managing sensitive, make-it-or-break-it situations is why we are a leader in litigation support, reputation management, and dealing with high-profile individuals in business, entertainment, politics, and sports. Our 24/7 counsel has dealt with global crises, and issues across myriad industries ranging from business to politics to entertainment.

Litigation Support

We have supported high-profile cases that have changed public optics. A detailed communications strategy is a necessary tool for companies, and people involved in delicate legal maneuverings. We partner with the legal team to develop messaging that seamlessly conveys the legal position and effectively shaping public optics.


We support internal teams helping develop brand messages and connecting the most important dots. You can’t have successful outward-facing messages if the internal team isn’t communicating. Knowing the executive team’s priorities and being able to communicate them effectively (and tactfully) to different audiences with varying degrees of insider knowledge is how we excel. It’s our unique position of what the media wants that helps us cut through and make a difference.

Selected Clients

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